Eating organic, opting for an alternative energy supplier, living only with recyclable materials and eco-responsible brands…For many people, ecology is a sport by and for the rich. However, by adopting an eco-responsible approach, there are above all savings at stake. This reasoning should be discarded.
Because to say that ecology is a sport made by and for the rich is a received idea that does not advance the debate. Do we necessarily spend more when we adopt an eco-responsible approach, that is to say when we choose the best in terms of reducing the energy bill and the use of resources?
Being green means being smarter. To do this, you have to be smart, patient, and persistent in the way you consume energy. So here are some tips that do not require having a Bezosian nor a Muskian wallet.

First of all, limiting your energy consumption is, in addition to being an eco-friendly gesture, a gesture that is good for the wallet. So we organize a little hunt at home for devices on standby, we lower the heating when we are not there, we turn it off when we leave the room.

Next, another gesture that is good for the wallet is to limit your water consumption. Now relax, it’s not about not showering! But for example, to turn off the tap while you wash your hands, to use the water from rinsing the vegetables to water the plants.

The third tip is to pay attention to your waste, which is certainly, not glamorous at all. Waste is also a small poison for the planet. We first do everything to limit them, for example when we hesitate between two products at the supermarket we choose the least packaged, then, when we throw away our waste, we check that we choose the right bin and we do our small selective sorting mission.
The fourth tip is to repair. Always keep this option in mind! Is it possible to repair this object? If the answer is no, ask yourself if it can be replaced by a model that can repair itself. Unfortunately, it often costs more to repair an object than to have a new one, which is an obstacle to this option for many. However, if you can buy better quality, the item will (usually) break less quickly and the repair cost will be cheaper than a new one.
The fifth tip is choosing the right products at the supermarket. the range of products available to us can quickly make you dizzy. If we decide to consume more responsibly, several choices are available to us: organic, local, fair trade, seasonal products, vegetarian, bulk products… We choose according to our values. products that make us happy, but above all we choose so as not to over-consume and waste, because an uneaten vegetable, whether organic or not, remains waste.
Take control of your purchases. The most difficult thing is also to reason with ourselves when we buy our little pleasures. The things that we like: clothes, high-tech, books, cosmetics, accessories,… Again, to be green, you have to be reasonable and realize that our purchases come with their “ecological burden”.
Finally, keep the smile! The last thing is, above all, to keep smiling by gradually changing your habits because every little gesture counts!

Reducing your ecological footprint does not happen overnight, and should not lead to an increase in your waste or your consumption. Stop buying superfluous objects, wait until your objects wear out before replacing them with a more ecological version and buy quality or value-added goods and your income allows it. If truth to be told it’s the wealthy who have no reason not to be green.
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